Friday, October 19, 2012

Eye See You

This week I worked on designing a character, and this is what I came up with, so far. I started with a simple sphere with an eye ball texture applied to it and then I modeled an eyelid around it so that it did not look as creepy as it did. Then using the reference image above I modeled a pair of legs for my character. Next week I will either make him a four legged creature or I will model a pair of arms. Which ever I choose I will then start rigging him up for animating.

I had another little side project that I worked on at the beginning of this week, while I thought of different character ideas. I messed around with MassFX, a rigid body physics tool new to 3ds Max 2012. I create a shattering mirror effect in which a ball is thrown at a mirror. The mirror then proceds to breaks and falls to pieces and the ball bounces away.

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