Friday, September 28, 2012

Terrain Modeling

Last week I remodeled my castle’s terrain in 3ds Max using a combination of the noise modifier and the soft selection tool, in the editable poly modifier. After I made the terrain I used Photoshop to make a custom texture for it. Slight additions were made to the main tower, and some trees and lamp posts were added to the scene. My last addition to the scene was a plane that i modified to look like rolling waves, and then I made a custom water texture in 3ds Max. I incorporated the use of Adobe Premier in the making of the video for this week’s post. So, unlike last week’s video this one has some still images, video, sound, and video transitions.

Friday, September 21, 2012


This week in Max I worked on my castle project. So far, I have made the entrance and a little bridge that stretches out to the central tower. I also spent some time texturing the castle with some bricks, stone slabs, and wooden flooring. I had started on modeling out a terrain for the castle to rest on but the program crashed on me so I was unable to present it in this weeks post, hence the hastily made cylinder currently in the scene. Over the next week I will add to the central tower and make some rooms branching off the it, and model a new terrain with some foliage scatted around it.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Strange Science

           This weeks post is of a nerve cell, and its various organelles, that I am making for an AP Biology project. I used many of the different tools that were covered in Animation class these paste four weeks. I used splines and the compound object tool, Boolean, in order to make the mitochondria (the yellow capsule). The chromatin (blue lines in the bottom picture) was made using the Loft tool. Some lights,with various intensities and colors, were also added to the scene. Finally, the newest technique as of this week is the use of poly modeling to make the nerve cell membrane.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Dinning Room Table

This week in max I mad a lovely little dinning room table. The candles and plate were mad using the Lathe modifier and I applied a chrome and a ceramic material. The table top is a simple box but the legs of it were made with splines and lofts. A super spray particle system was used to create a fire effect and a red and yellow noise material was applied to that. Finally in the video render a camera was confined to a path in order to acheive a smooth wipe around.