Tuesday, May 31, 2011


My second animation in 3ds Max is of a man, with a bazooka, taking aim at a brick wall.

He then shoots the wall, which yeilds in a firey explosion and the wall crumbling down.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Energy Blast

This weeks post is a video made in Adobe After Effects CS3.
I added a energy blast to the video.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Rancho Key Chain

This week my class was making a T-Shirt and key chain designs for the Cougar Den. This is one of my key chain designs and post for this week.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Illustrator logo

Started using adobe Illustrator today and the first thing I made was a Hikaru Dorodango logo for this blog

Friday, April 15, 2011

Portal 2

This is my third project made in Adobe Flash CS3 Professional.
The goal for this week was to use code in order create something interactive.

One little glitch I noticed is that if you click on a button to one video and then go back to watch another one of the videos before the original one finishes there will be an overlap of audio. This is a result of the first video never being told to stop playing so it will continue in the background. So sorry I didn't notice it before, but hay it's an awesome game with cool videos so it wont hurt to watch them all the way through. This problem will be addressed on the 8th after this weekend.

I added the the pause and play buttons to fix the original problem. So if you leave mid video remember to hit the pause button.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Giving Life to Images

This is a first attempt at using Windows Movie Maker in order to add more depth to still images

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Super Cats of the World

This is just a picture that I was working on while I was thinking of a projected idea.
It is a combination of 6 different pictures that were basically cut and pasted together.
The background is the only part of the picture that I made from a cloud effect and different gradient circles.