Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Brick Face

Interpretation #3

I just took a brick wall pic. and mapped it onto this guys face.

Mario Pick

Interpretation  #2
Different Mario Pictures put together with a fade out

See if you can spot whats wrong with this picture

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bunny Sneez

The Super Sneez is coming.
If you want to see what happens at 1 well then...
Naw I wouldn't be like that, if u want to see what happened next Look at the Super Sneez post below.

link to post:

Super Sneez

This is my interpretation of cutting out pictures and putting them on other pictures.
So what  I did was take the cut out of a bunny sneezing and put it on a space background.
Afterwards I looked for an interesting patter, then morphed it to look like the bunny is shooting a beam out its mouth.