Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sharks Worst Night Mere

For as long as cats have been around they have captured, eaten, and basically dominated small fish.
But now it's just not enough for them,
and they have moved on to taming Sharks and using them for their personal gain.

Chuck Claus

To make this picture I cut Chuck Norris out of a picture and made duplicate  layers of him.
Then I opened up a picture of a cat jumping to the side and added the Chuck Norris picture.
Then I lined up the to separate documents and took a screen shot of it.
After adding the black background and text I decided to put Santa hats because of it being Christmas time.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Puzzel Man

I started with a picture of a random guy.
Then used the object tool to make puzzle pieces and arranged them to look like this.
Then I made a selection outline of the puzzle piece and used the layer via copy on the picture layer
After repeating this process on all the puzzle pieces I added a Bevel and Emboss effect.
Finally I put a black background, a gray rectangle, and a text layer.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mr. Norris No Like Cats

People are always arguing over whats better cats or dogs.
Saying things like cats are smarter or dogs make better companions.

So if faced with this question just think to yourself for a little while, what would Chuck Norris do.
 I think the answer is plain to see...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Random Post 3

 When you here your cat say
"Quick everybody RUN, FIND COVER, the END is coming...
Doom for all humans Doom.
Put on your melon helmets it will protect your brains from scrambling"
Then maybe it's time to switch to decaf...
just maybe, but its up to you

Paper Waste

Here's a shocking statistic for who ever reads this:
Every year enough paper is thrown away to build a 12 foot high wall,
that reaches from California to New York.

So when ever you get the chance recycle your paper and save a few trees.

Monday, November 8, 2010

War In The World

This was made to make a statement about how war is bad.
There is always a war going on somewhere in the world and that's just awful.
Billions of people have died as a result of war and it just brings sadness to all the families
 of the fallen soldiers and sometimes innocent citizens.
I'm just going to say one last thing

Friday, November 5, 2010

Don't be a Domo be a Batman

Made this from for different images.
I cut out a picture of Batman and gave him an Energy Sword.
Then i added an Energy ball type thing.
Finally I put the text layer in.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fun Facts

Took a picture of George Lopez and coped out his head, then i added a boarder and shadow to it.

Next I made a yellow box and put text on it, and i added a shadow.

Finally I added a picture of a paperclip.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Messing around with text and trying to make a fire effect.
First I wrote the text.
Then changed around the hues and Saturation on multiple layers, in order to get the color.
After that I used a wind filter and liquify tool, giving it a flame like shape.
Finally I put the text layer on top of it and faded it into the flame with a soft erase brush.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hulk Smash

Simple yes but it looks EPIC.
Found an awesome Hulk picture and added a filter to turn the picture into just lines.
Then used the gradient tool on a mask layer to fade out part of the lined image.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Project 1!!!

Smoking isn't something that should be taken lightly.

It effects your health and effects the health of all those around you.

So you just shouldn't do it.

I was inspired to make this image by my personal experiences with people close to me.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Brick Face

Interpretation #3

I just took a brick wall pic. and mapped it onto this guys face.

Mario Pick

Interpretation  #2
Different Mario Pictures put together with a fade out

See if you can spot whats wrong with this picture

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bunny Sneez

The Super Sneez is coming.
If you want to see what happens at 1 well then...
Naw I wouldn't be like that, if u want to see what happened next Look at the Super Sneez post below.

link to post:

Super Sneez

This is my interpretation of cutting out pictures and putting them on other pictures.
So what  I did was take the cut out of a bunny sneezing and put it on a space background.
Afterwards I looked for an interesting patter, then morphed it to look like the bunny is shooting a beam out its mouth.